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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Why did you let me watch this?

When I was around 5 or 6 years old, I had a particular fascination with the movie *Jaws*. I mean a movie about a shark eating people? How could I not want to see that? Despite my parents' warnings that it was scary and not appropriate for someone my age, I was determined. I spent what felt like hours arguing that I could handle it—that nothing on the screen could frighten me or gross me out. Eventually, after much pleading and negotiating, my parents relented. They allowed me to watch *Jaws*, but not because they thought it was a good idea. They were making a compromise with an uncompromising child.

It didn’t take long for me to realize my mistake. Within the first five minutes of the movie, I bolted out of the room, screaming, “Why did you let me watch this?” My parents didn’t let me watch *Jaws* because they believed I was ready for it. They did it because I was stubborn and refused to take their advice. I do have to admit I gave alot more consideration to my parent's opinion of what movies I could handle after that.

This experience reminds me of a story from the Bible, where the nation of Israel was ruled by judges but desperately wanted a king, just like the other nations around them. God, through the prophet Samuel, warned the people that having a king would bring more trouble than benefit. He laid out the consequences and advised against it. But Israel was insistent. They demanded a king despite God's counsel.

In response, God gave them instructions on how to choose and govern a king. He even picked their king for them. Was it God’s will for Israel to have a king? No, it wasn’t. But just like my parents in the *Jaws* story, God was willing to compromise with His uncompromising children. He worked within their stubbornness and all the things they simply weren't ready to give up, trying to guide and teach them them toward what was ultimately best. Waiting to bring them back to His will once they were ready. When the Children of Isreal turned out to not he ready for the higher law due to being stubborn and uncompromising, Moses gave them the Law of Moses to prepare them for Christ bring them the higher law that was always God's goal.

This example illustrates a pattern throughout history where God gave commandments or allowed things that, at first glance, seem contrary to His loving nature. It’s easy to wonder why a merciful and compassionate God would issue commands that don’t always align with our vision of mercy and compassion. My personal belief was many of those commandments he gave in spite of his will rather then reflecting his will because it was the only way to get us moving in the right direction.

While I certainly don’t claim to know all the reasons behind God’s ways, I believe there are times when these commandments are God's way of patiently working with us in our stubbornness. He knows what we need far better than we do, but He also knows how often we cling to our own beliefs and desires, even when they’re not what's best for us. Sometimes, His guidance is a way of leading us, step by step, to where He ultimately wants us to be.

I am not qualified to say definitively which of God's commandments arise out of His need to steer us away from our own stubborn desires, and which ones reflect His perfect will from the outset. But what I do know is that God loves us more deeply than we can comprehend. I’ve seen firsthand His love for me and those around me. God loves every one of us—unconditionally and completely. 

It saddens me to see people use God as an excuse to judge, look down on,  or even harm others. I don’t believe that’s His will. His message has always been about love, unity, and compassion. When we gossip, mock, or share negative posts about "those people," whoever they may be, we should stop and ask ourselves if this aligns with God’s commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves.

In conclusion, I am grateful for a God who hears and answers prayers, who guides me even when I’m acting like an uncompromising child, and who continually shows me His love and patience. He knows the best way forward, even when I can’t see it. I’m thankful for His willingness to work with me in my stubbornness, gently leading me toward a better path. And I'm profoundly thankful for His love—a love that never gives up on me, or on any of us.