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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Alma 5

Developing a Personal Relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ: A Journey Through Adversity


Life is often filled with challenges that test our faith, resilience, and sense of self-worth. As a teenager, I faced relentless bullying that led to severe depression, casting a shadow over some of the most formative years of my life. In the midst of these trials, it was my personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ that became my anchor, my source of strength, and my path to healing. This relationship, nurtured before, during, and after those difficult years, was instrumental in helping me survive and ultimately thrive.


 The Foundation of Faith


Before the bullying began, I already had a budding relationship with Jesus Christ. I had parents who taught me to pray and expect answers to those prayers. I found solace in prayer and scripture. During my teen years I became a fan of the prophet Alma, he was a man who experienced both the best and the worst life had to offer. Alma chapter 5 from the Book of Mormon Was one of my favorite chapters. Alma’s call to self-examination and repentance resonated deeply with me. He asks, "Have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances?" (Alma 5:14). These questions invited me to seek a closer relationship with Christ, to strive to reflect His love and goodness in my own life in opposition to the hate and pain I was so often exposed to almost daily.


Enduring Hardship with Faith


As the bullying intensified, my depression deepened. I often felt isolated and worthless.  Yet, in my darkest moments, I clung to prayer. I cried out to the Lord, seeking comfort and understanding. While my prayers were not always answered in the way I hoped, they were answered in the ways I needed. Instead of removing the trials, the Lord provided me with strength to endure them. He gave me small, yet profound experiences that assured me of His presence and love.


There were times when a simple feeling of peace would wash over me, reminding me that I was not alone. Other times, an unexpected act of kindness from someone around me would lift my spirits. He also gave me assurances that there was purpose in my suffering far beyond what I could see. These moments were tender mercies from the Lord, small reminders that He was aware of my pain and working through others to reach me.


 Lessons in Love and Growth


Reflecting on those years, I now see the Lord’s hand guiding me through my trials, teaching me valuable lessons about resilience, empathy, and faith. Alma’s words remind us that our afflictions can refine us, shaping us into more compassionate and faithful disciples. In Alma he says “Behold, he sendeth an invitation unto all men, for the arms of mercy are extended towards them…” I found this to be true time and time again.

Through my struggles, I learned to trust in the Lord’s timing and wisdom. His answers to my prayers, though not always immediate or in the form I desired, were perfectly tailored to my needs. They built me up, preparing me for future challenges and helping me grow spiritually.


 A Heart Full of Gratitude


Today, I look back on those difficult years with a heart full of gratitude. I am grateful for the Savior’s unwavering love and for the strength He bestowed upon me. My relationship with Him has been the greatest source of joy and peace in my life. Alma asks that we all remember the great things the Lord has done for us and those around us.


Jesus Christ has been my Redeemer, my Friend, and my constant Companion. His love has healed my heart and filled my life with purpose. I know that no matter what trials we face, His grace is sufficient. His promise that there is value in our pain has proven true time and again. For this, I am eternally thankful.




Developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is a lifelong journey, one that brings profound peace and understanding even amidst the greatest hardships. My experiences as a bullied teenager, though painful, were pivotal in deepening my faith and reliance on the Savior. I encourage anyone facing trials to turn to Him, to seek His love and guidance. He may not always answer your prayers in the way you expect, but He will answer them in the way that is best for you. His love is perfect, His wisdom infinite, and His promise sure.

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